501-623-5556 [email protected]


in Hot springs, Arkansas

Things to do

We have listed some nearby and popular things our guests enjoy in a short list below. There is so much to do in this area we will not try to list everything but give you an idea. Let us know if we can help you plan your time at the ranch.

Panther Valley Ranch | Spa Packages

Day Spa

Multiple days spas in the area are available to pamper you in every imaginable way and several feature natural hot spring mineral water that flows out of the ground all around the “Spa City”.

Off Road Vehicle Park

Like to go off-road and do some trail riding.  Try out the 1000+ acres of trails on your ATV, jeep, or motorcycle.  We have a lot of our guests spend time at the park and return to the ranch to relax and sit around the campfire in the evening.  Also, the ranch is so close that guests often come back to their cabin for a lunch break.

Panther Valley Ranch | Jeep
Panther Valley Ranch | Magic Springs Theme and waterpark

Magic Springs Amusement Park

This park boasts not only roller coasters but includes a full-blown water park as well.  During the summer season, there are several big-name concerts for a variety of genres.

Shooting Range

Enjoy shooting? Visit the nearby range offering Trap, Skeet, Rifle, and Pistol shooting.
Just up the road is Mountain Valley Sportsman’s Association – MVSA.

MVSA encourages a family atmosphere and welcomes visitors, shooters, and non-shooters alike.  Visitors to the community are encouraged to see the facilities and participate in the events.

Panther Valley Ranch | Gun Range
Panther Valley Ranch | Magic Springs Theme and waterpark

Hot Springs National Park

The park calls itself the “oldest area in the national park system” because in 1832, 40 years before Yellowstone became the first national park, President Andrew Jackson set aside the hot springs as a special reservation. The federal land became a national park in 1921.  There are so many things to do and see in Hot Springs including the hot water running out of the ground that we cannot list them all.  Make the ranch your relaxation headquarters returning here after your visit to the park.